Sideways is a 2004 comedy-drama film written by Jim Taylor and Alexander Payne and directed by Payne. Adapted from Rex Pickett's 2004 novel of the same name, Sideways follows men in their forties, portrayed by Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church, who take a week-long road trip to Santa Barbara County Wine Country. Payne and Taylor won multiple awards for their screenplay. Giamatti and Church, as well as actresses Virginia Madsen and Sandra Oh, playing local women who become romantically involved with the men, all received accolades for their performances.
Set against the gritty art culture in New York City, Sideway follows the adventures of Nox, a rebellious young artist, as he navigates the urban streets. Bouncing between 2D and 3D world views, players will need to explore every crack and crevice of the city while learning to utilize unlockable abilities to soar, slide, jump and blast through Spray and his goons, ultimately gathering your entourage and jumping back to reality.
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